Th 2nd place at the republican contest of scientific projects "Zerde"!

Iman and Alinur are young Shoqans.

Like all the students of our school, they first tried to play the Kazakh national instrument, the dombra, here.

At first, their small, faltering fingers had difficulty extracting sounds from two strings and nine frets, but over time they learned to perform beautiful kuis.

And thanks to Orteke, children have a special interest in dombra.

Fascinated by this ancient art, the students decided to study its history more deeply. For six months, they conducted a study, trying to uncover the ethnocultural significance of Orteke and its role as a national heritage.

One of the main goals of the project is to revive Orteke's art, pass it on to future generations and convey its importance to a wide audience.

The first step of the research was done during the summer school. The students conducted a survey among their peers to find out their level of awareness about the Orteke’s tradition. Then the students independently studied historical materials, visited museums and got acquainted with different types of Ortekes. A special moment was the communication with the famous Kazakh kuishi and the curator of national art, Abdulhamit Rayymbergenov.

During the research, the children met with the craftsmen who make Ortekes, and saw firsthand the process of creating a wooden figurine. However, it turned out that wooden Ortekes are expensive, which means that they are inaccessible to many people.

To solve this issue, the teachers of the robotics club of our school, Vadim Tsurikov and Zhumakhan Amirzhan, helped the children create an Orteke made of plastic using a 3D printer. This project has become an excellent example of how traditional art can be combined with modern technology.

The research touched not only on the ethnocultural aspect, but also on environmental issues. The students suggested making Ortekes not only from new plastic, but also from recycled plastic caps, which will contribute to the preservation of the environment.

The scientific project has successfully passed several stages of the competition:

  • district round – 1st place
  • city round – 1st place
  • the national round, where the students became the winners and took the second place!

"We created this project with our hearts and our own hands," says Rakysh Iman.

During the presentation of the project, the students demonstrated their Ortekes and performed "Orteke" kui on dombra, which was admired by the jury. Many students from different regions of the country saw Orteke for the first time and showed great interest in this art.

In the future, Iman and Alinur plan to continue their research and bring the national heritage to a new level by implementing new creative projects.

Orteke is not just Kazakh art, but a symbol of the spirit of the nation.

I am sure that young researchers Rakysh Iman and Galim Alinur have even greater achievements ahead of them.

I am proud of my talented, dedicated students who were able to bring such a significant project to life!

Project leader:

Primary school teacher, teacher – researcher.

Anapiyaeva Azira Kozhabekyzy

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