ADMISSION OPEN at Shoqan Walikhanov Private School!

Follow the link below to leave a request for free testing:

To be admitted to study in grades 1-11 with Kazakh or Russian language ​​of instruction, the applicants will go through COMPETITIVE SELECTION.

The entrance exams will be held:
- For grades 1-2 , the applicants will be interviewed to estimate the following:
- Thinking
- Memory and attention
- Speech

- For grades 3-11 , the applicants will be tested in the following subjects:
- Math
- Kazakh / Russian language
- English language

Additionally, all applicants will be interviewed by a psychologist.

The results of the entrance examination will be posted on the school website in 14 calendar days from the date of the examination. Applications are accepted until March 21.

For more information, dial:
+7 727 224 70 07 #7007, +7 700 971 09 71
or visit our website www.shoqanschool.kz.


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